Slip & Fall Therapy Jacksonville

If you have experienced an unexpected accident, chiropractic slip & fall therapy can help soothe aching muscles, sprained joints and even bruised egos with improved range of motion and mobility. The proper chiropractic care also helps reduce the risk of significant complications by allowing your body to heal faster. The fact is, while twisting and turning to keep the skull from making contact with the floor can protect the brain, it can also cause traumatic injury to the victim's neck and spine. Injuries also can occur when the spine makes forceful contact with the floor or other surfaces. The trauma can cause spinal discs to become compressed and the impact often results in soft tissue bruising. Tissue inflammation that follows can cause nerve impingements that result in significant pain and discomfort. At Beach Boulevard Chiropractic Massage Rehab, our proactive slip & fall therapy focuses on your discomfort to ensure you remain as healthy and free of pain as possible. By placing his hands in precise places and using controlled movements, our Jacksonville chiropractor works to improve movement one joint at a time.

More than 8.5 million people were treated in emergency rooms for split-second falls, such as slipping, tripping and stumbling. In 2022, one of the most common spinal injuries from falls was whiplash. This occurs when the head is suddenly jerked backward and then forward, which can strain the muscles and ligaments in your neck. Symptoms of whiplash include impingement-like neck pain, stiffness, lack of rotation, headaches, dizziness, and an overall restricted range of motion. These symptoms may appear immediately or can take days to weeks in order to manifest. Accidental falls can also cause herniated discs in the spine that occur when one of the disc-shaped cushions between the vertebrae ruptures and the rubbery gel interior pushes out. Once it presses on a spinal nerve, a herniated disc can cause debilitating nerve pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness. Such accidents happen to more than two thousand people each day and slip & fall therapy may be needed to improve mobility and quality of life due to their injuries. Plus, ankle and wrist sprains, dislocated shoulders, knee damage, concussions and post-traumatic stress are also common.

Spinal Assessment for Fall Accident Victims

According to a study published by the National Institute of Health, accidental falls were the most common cause of slip & fall spinal injuries. So, a spinal assessment for a slip and fall victim requires a careful and detailed evaluation to ensure patient safety and identify potential injuries. This process involves checking the neck and back for pain, tenderness, deformity, restricted range of motion, and neurological issues such as changes in sensation, muscle strength, or reflexes in the extremities. Many of these injuries can be serious and long-lasting, especially if not treated properly. A slip and fall injury involves the same sort of jarring impact as a car accident and can result in similar whiplash injuries to the spine, neck and nerves. When the head hits a hard surface, the neck can snap back and forth on impact. For most of us, it is a natural reaction to try to prevent a fall by clenching our muscles or twisting into a position where we can protect ourselves from injury. Our Jacksonville chiropractor considers posture and spinal alignment while carefully observing for visible signs of injury, including bruising, swelling, or open wounds.

A spinal assessment for a slip and fall victim involves a detailed evaluation to identify potential injuries and ensure patient safety. This includes assessing the neck and back for pain, tenderness, deformities, limited range of motion, and any neurological issues such as changes in sensation, muscle strength, or reflexes in the extremities. If a serious spinal injury is suspected, tools like a cervical collar or backboard may be used to prevent further harm while awaiting a more detailed evaluation. Dr. Winkler also examines posture and spinal alignment to detect any visible deformities or irregularities, while checking for related injuries such as bruising, swelling, or wounds to the neck and back. Red flags for spinal injuries include pain at or below the injury site, abnormal sensations like tingling in the hands or feet, loss of sensation, or impaired movement below the affected area. Prioritizing immobilization and careful handling is critical to prevent further spinal cord damage during the assessment process. If a slip and fall spinal injury is suspected, we will avoid any unnecessary movement during his exam.

Realignment to Restore Range of Motion

Dr. Brian Winkler performs a comprehensive assessment of your spine and overall health by reviewing your medical history and conducting a detailed physical evaluation. A common screening method is the forward-bend test, where the patient leans forward at a 90-degree angle with feet together, allowing the examiner to spot any spinal asymmetry or abnormal curvatures. He also examines your neck and lumbar spine movements, including extension, lateral flexion and rotation, to identify potential issues such as pain or restricted mobility. A complete postural analysis involves observing the patient from several angles to detect muscle imbalances, scoliosis, or changes in spinal curvature, including cervical lordosis or thoracic kyphosis. Diagnostic tools are also used to pinpoint the root causes of pain and uncover injuries that may not yet be symptomatic. Then, we offer a range of advanced treatment options, including Cox flexion/distraction therapy for spinal alignment and the Graston technique to address both acute and chronic soft tissue injuries. For patients recovering from accidents, slip & fall therapy can restore joint function and improve mobility.

As with any injury, receiving chiropractic care as soon as possible following a slip and fall accident is the key to a quick and full recovery. We’ve helped many slip & fall victims recover from their pain and injuries, and we’re experienced in working with attorneys and insurance companies so you can feel better fast. Beach Boulevard Chiropractic Massage Rehab provides comprehensive slip & fall therapy in Jacksonville and throughout northern Florida, relying on state-of-the-art therapeutic techniques based on the most recent scientific data and studies. To learn more, call our office today and schedule a consultation.

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