Chiropractic Neck Pain Relief Jacksonville

Neck pain, including stiffness, can be one of the most uncomfortable and challenging health issues to manage because of its central role in your body. Anything that directly affects your neck can create a ripple effect, indirectly impacting your shoulders, upper back, head pain, and jaw pain. Making it important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Our Southside clinic offers personalized treatments and chiropractic adjustments to address neck pain relief. Whether it's to alleviate tension, restore alignment, or improve mobility, our Jacksonville Chiropractor, Dr. Winkler is equipped to provide treatments that work along with a recovery plan that lasts long term.

What causes Neck Pain?

The neck, or otherwise known as the cervical spine, starts at the nape of your skull and supports the full weight of your head, which typically weighs about 10-12 pounds. Composed of seven tiny vertebrae, the cervical spine gives your head the ability to move in almost every direction. However, the biomechanical makeup of our neck and how frequently we use it, makes it highly susceptible to injury. In fact, up to 23% of Americans experience neck pain each year, and it ranks as the fourth leading cause of disability worldwide. Common activities that can be harmful or strain your neck include sitting for long periods of time, accidents, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, aging, and extensive staring at a computer screen.

Understanding Neck Pain

Neck pain is discomfort in any of the structures in the neck. These include the muscles, nerves, bones (vertebrae), joints, and discs in between bones, any pain in this area can be associated with a variety of symptoms. The most commonly reported symptom is pain and stiffness, this sensation usually starts from the middle or sides of the neck and can spread to affect other parts of the body, such as the shoulders, upper chest, or upper back. Discomfort levels can also range, some may experience temporary stiffness while others may be more chronic and recurrent. Neck pain can even present itself in the form of headaches or migraines, more specifically cervicogenic headaches, these occur when pain radiates and spreads from the cervical spine. Common complaints of these headaches include a dull aching pain that is spread to the forehead, temples, and even behind the eyes. When headaches are linked to neck issues the intensity of symptoms can range from light sensitivity, nausea, and pulsating pain. Some other common symptoms are numbness/tingling, reduced range of motion, soreness, and sharp or localized pain in the neck. The severity of your pain and immobility can help you decide when to see a doctor. In most cases neck stiffness is a temporary muscle issue that resolves itself, but chronic or worsening symptoms are indicators to seek chiropractic neck pain relief. If you’re experiencing symptoms for more than a week or any of the following: severe pain, trouble swallowing or breathing, numbness or tingling in your arm/hands, the pain worsens at night and wakes you up, we strongly recommend contacting your doctor. Seeking treatment right away can help prevent the injury from worsening or spreading.

Chiropractic Care Can Help

Research shows that one of the top treatment plans for chiropractic neck pain relief is safely realigning the neck to alleviate pain and stiffness. Chiropractic management takes a non-invasive, holistic approach to healing the body by targeting pain, mobility, and range of motion. A 2021 review published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine found that chiropractic manipulation effectively resolved acute neck pain, and that was using spinal adjustments alone. Chiropractic adjustments are also highly effective in treating neck related headaches and migraines. Treating misalignments helps reduce the nerve irritation and muscle tension that causes such headaches. A study published in Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain stated that chiropractic spinal manipulation significantly decreased the frequency and intensity of cervicogenic headaches. We go beyond traditional spinal adjustments by combining multiple treatments for the best results. In addition to spinal adjustments, here are just a few other methods we offer: electronic manipulation(tens unit), soft tissue therapy, corrective exercises, and lifestyle advice. By utilizing this multifaceted approach we can decrease your recovery time and manage all aspects of your neck pain relief as a part of our “whole body” philosophy. Since it's often caused by misalignments or joint restrictions in the cervical spine, chiropractic adjustments are essential in the realignment process. Neck adjustments not only help provide neck pain relief but also reduce inflammation, increase mobility, improve circulation, and heal your body's overall mechanics. With each session you’re not just addressing the symptoms, you’re building a foundation for long lasting relief. Our Southside clinic offers the most advanced chiropractic neck pain relief to deliver fast results and effective pain treatment. Our goal is to set you up for success and prevent future issues from arising. 

Call And Schedule Your Consultation Today

Our team's expertise in spinal adjustments provides more than just treatment, Dr. Winkler goes above the standard to be your partner guiding you on your journey to improved health. If you’re ready for effective neck pain relief and an improved quality of life, contact Beach Boulevard Chiropractic & Massage Rehab today. Schedule your consultation today and get ready to feel better!

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