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Hot, Hot, and Hot

July 9, 2012

The recent heat wave has slowed a lot of people down when it comes to their exercise plan or even just getting outside. Here are some easy tips to make your trip outside healthier and safer. 

- Do not drink hot coffee/tea before going out in the heat. 

-Remember to eat after exercising in the heat. Your body will want to eat less when working at a higher temperature.

- This seems easy, but avoid wearing black. If your exercise gear is all black, find a different set of clothing to wear.

- Playing in the pool or doing laps for your cardio? Don't forget to hydrate before and while in the water.

- Drinking plenty of water before you go outside is a better idea than trying to play catch up after you're hot and thirsty.

- Going for that new "personal record" in a heat wave is not a good idea. Be proud you made it through your workout and set the record aside for better weather conditions. 

-If you're used to exercising at a particular time, but you hit the snooze button for and hour or two could spell disaster for your workout. Avoid the peak times of 11am to 4pm to exercise or spend any extended time outdoors.

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